The Neighborhood Envy

What You Should Know About Spring Lawn Disease

Written by Nick DiBenedetto | May 31, 2019 1:45:00 PM

Spring lawn diseases can be many and varied.  Some thrive under winter conditions and others only become evident as the grass begins to grow and weather conditions are favorable. 

What Does Spring Lawn Disease Look Like?

Two common lawn diseases in the spring are Red Thread and Pink Patch.  These two fungal diseases are very similar and are treated similarly.  The infecting fungi in these diseases attack and kill individual leaf blades.  This can give the lawn a diffused, scorched appearance and the dead areas can coalesce into small patches or circular areas over time. 

Both diseases are favored by the occurrence of cool, wet conditions and heavy dews.  Under wet conditions you may see pink to white fluffy tufts of actual fungal growth on the grass blades. They can affect many types of grasses including perennial ryes and kentucky bluegrass.

There are also numerous other lawn diseases you may see appear on your lawn during the season such as brown patch, fairy ring, dollar spot, and others. Weather and soil conditions are usually the main factors in getting lawn disease which can mostly be out of your control. In most cases your lawn is like a person, you can eat right, exercise, take your vitamins, and you still get sick.

What Can I Do To Prevent Lawn Disease?

The management of red thread and pink patch are also mostly cultural as well.  Maintaining good fertility and pH levels usually are enough to keep these diseases at bay, though unusually or prolonged wet and cool weather may lead to outbreaks on even the best-maintained lawns.

Other good practices include core aeration that can improve drainage, nutrient uptake, and decrease thatch.  All of those will help a lawn dry more quickly and help reduce conditions that enable the disease to spread. 

Proper Watering Can Be Key To Preventing Spring Lawn Disease

Adjusting irrigation so that the lawn is not watered when we have had sufficient rain will also help with these diseases.  Other tips include not watering in the late afternoon or early evening and avoid light, frequent watering.  Instead, water deeply and less frequently.

It is best to try and mow when the grass is dry as well.  Wet grass with an open injury from mowing is setting the table of a fungal pathogen.   

How Can I Get Rid Of Lawn Disease Once I Have It?

In many cases lawn diseases are cosmetic and can grow themselves out with the aid of nitrogen which comes with standard fertilizer treatments on the lawn. In some cases, the lawn disease can damage the lawn’s root system causing you to have to repair and/or replace the damaged area of lawn.

Applying a fungicide to the lawn can lessen the time it takes to get rid of the disease as well as protect it from any new diseases for a period of time. Fungicides may be recommended by a lawn care professional to ensure the lawn disease is stopped before it spreads and does any real significant damage to the lawn.

Get More Info From The Pros!

Looking for more information on fungicide applications or just ready to let the professionals take over your lawn care needs? The Grassmaster Plus team is ready and willing to answer any questions you have and can provide you a free quote on your lawn care services for the season. Contact our local office today!