The Neighborhood Envy

Preparing Your Lawn For Winter

Written by Nick DiBenedetto | Dec 15, 2022 5:06:32 PM

The weather in the North Shore can be fickle and if you are not taking precautions, you could be causing serious damage to your lawn. With the changes in weather it is imperative to take control of the health of your lawn and help it reach its full potential. But where do you start when looking to protect your lawn during the coming winter? Well, we have you covered! Here are a few pieces of advice on how to protect your lawn this winter!

  • Prepare NOW
    It is recommended that during the last 3 mowings, to slowly reduce the cutting height of the mower in order to bring the height of the grass to around 2 inches, what dormant grass height should be. This reduces the leaf surface of the grass and reduces the opportunity for snow mold. 
  • Grass Can Still Grow In December
    Most homeowners stop mowing in early December, but the grass can continue to grow well into December. If your lawn is dry enough, it would be a good idea to mow once more to slightly lower the turf height.
  • Care For The Roots
    If you use snow melt products near grass like many of us in the North Shore, flush the turf area with water occasionally to remove salts away from roots.
  • Warmer Winters Do Affect Your Grass
    Typically, homeowners in the North Shore are given a 3 and a half month break from mowing their lawn as the grass in dormancy is not growing. However, not all winters are the same  With warmer temperatures on average, lawns have seen growth throughout December and into sometimes even into January.  True dormancy may not occur until winter has started so this is why your grass may still be growing past the holidays.   
  • Inspect For Snow Mold This Spring
    We are still early in our winter season and the turf will eventually go dormant, but the effect of the elongated growing season may have some adverse on turf grass. Turf diseases, such as snow mold, will be a greater possibility because there is more leaf surface available and the ground did not get a chance to freeze over long enough before snow cover occurs. As a result, pink snow mold is identified in the spring time once snow has melted.  Snow mold does not normally destroy lawns, but does damage in areas that may need reseeded in the spring.

If you're looking for more information on winterizing your lawn in the North Shore or are simply ready to speak with someone about your lawn care needs, go to or call 978-769-3595 today!