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Snow Mold And How To Prevent It

Posted by: Nick DiBenedetto on November 29, 2022

While spring is still a long way off here in the North Shore, you can take certain steps to help reduce the chance of your lawn getting snow mold in the early spring.  Snow mold is a fungal disease that appears in the early spring as snow melts away on your lawn.  However, the fungal growth begins before the snow melts, beneath the cover of snow, when temperatures are near the freezing point. 

Snow Mold Types

There are two types of snow mold, gray and pink.  Both fungi grow when the temperatures are near freezing and will continue after the snow melts, and as long as the turf remains cool and wet.  Gray snow mold activity stops once temperatures reach 45 degrees, while pink snow mold can remain active during wet weather in the spring as long as temperatures stay below 60 degrees.snow

Spotting Snow Mold

Snow mold will first appear in the lawn as circular, straw colored patches when the snow melts in the spring.  These patches will continue to enlarge as long as the grass remains cold and wet.  The fungus often gives the turf a matted and discolored appearance.  Snow molds do not occur in lawns every season, but are instead more common when there is an early, deep snow cover that prevents the ground from freezing.

Snow Mold Damage

Damage from snow mold for the most part is not fatal for your lawn, but can cause serious appearance issues.  The infected areas are slower to perk up in the spring and without proper care can remain damaged through the growing season.  If your lawn contracts snow mold, gently rake and fluff the affected areas to promote drying and prevent further fungal growth.

Preventing Snow Mold

The following steps can be preformed to prevent snow mold damage:

  • Once the lawn has stopped growing for the season gradually lower the cutting height over the last few mows to about 2 inches.  Long grass can mat down, which encourages snow mold.
  • Rake your leaves in the fall.  Leaves can lay on top of your lawn and cause ideal growing conditions for mold.
  • Aerate your lawn to help reduce the level of thatch in your turf. 
  • If possible, spread out large piles of snow and use snow fencing to prevent snow accumulation.

Ask The Pros

If you're looking for more information on Snow Mold in the North Shore or are simply ready to speak with someone about your lawn care needs, go to or call 978-769-3595 today!